#1 Dealer Document Management System
Find documents instantly. Search by RO#, stock#, deal#, VIN, customer name,
and much more.
Scan123 is the fast, easy, secure way to
manage critical business documents
Filing, archiving, searching for paperwork is slow, expensive and unnecessary. And it's completely avoidable! Scan123 has helped thousands of companies like yours convert mountains of paper files into a simple search box. Think Google, but only for your files. Type in a search, find documents instantly.
Getting started is easy
Protect, find, and share files in seconds
I can’t imagine life without Scan123. I really wish we would have stopped using paper sooner. It’s easy to write off new technologies by saying “this is the way we’ve always done it,” but Scan123 has been a huge benefit to us. Getting started was much easier than I expected.
Donna Breault. Office Administrator, Edwards Garage
Combine paper and digital files from every department into a single location.
Simplify your filing system
Your encrypted documents are protected against theft, hacking, flood, fire, and loss.
Secure customer information
Reclaim the space used for filing cabinets and banker boxes.
Eliminate your file room
Subscribe to Scan123
The Scan123 support team will set up your digital filing cabinets, answer your questions, and make sure you have everything you need.
Start scanning
Scan legal copies of your important documents such as invoices, contracts, check stubs, and HR and finance files into your digital cabinets.
Find documents instantly
Anyone in your company can search for any document instantly. No more running to the file room or digging through stacks of paper.
Our customers love Scan123
Unlimited lifetime support
Have questions? No problem. Unlimited lifetime support from our US-based support team is included as part of every scanning plan. Call or email us anytime and we’ll work with you to resolve any issues you are experiencing.
Peace of mind
Top-notch security, open formats, and DMS-independent means your documents will always be safe and accessible.
No hostage data, ever
At your request we will provide a full backup of all your stored files.
45-day money-back guarantee
If we don’t meet your needs within 45 days of signing, we’ll tear up your contract and give you a full refund.
The Scan123 Guarantee
The Scan123 guarantee means ZERO risk for your business and your bottom line.
See how Scan123 can help your dealership.
Email us at info@scan123.com, or give us a call: (503) 388-5987
Get more done with less stress from anywhere.
Easy, Secure, Fast, and Trusted by 1,000's of dealers.
Find RO's in seconds
Part Orders
Title and Lease Applications
Proof of Delivery
Dealer Jackets
Maintenance Records
Customer Information
Sales Paperwork
Credit Applications
Compliance Information
No Hassle
Easy sign up and setup
Trusted by over 1,000 Auto Dealerships